Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Share and Voice: Actually Experiencing Nature

A few weeks ago in class we went did an activity outside where we laid on the ground and Dr. V. talked us through connecting with nature, listening and feeling the world around us.  After the activity we discussed how we are very connected to our computer and cell phones, and we need to take the time to disconnect and just be in nature.

I have always thought of myself as pretty in touch with nature.  I love hiking, being at the beach, and just being outside.  I did not realize how connected I really am until the discussion we had in class.  I took the picture to the left a few days after that discussion.  I was running in Bagley and realized that while I was running on this beautiful trail I was holding my phone, which was allowing me to listen to music, check my voice mails, take pictures, and attempt to text my brother back just as I tripped over a root that was sticking out in the middle of the trail.  After the initial shock of the fact that I had just fallen flat on my face I thought "what am I doing?!".  This picture does not do justice to how pretty Bagley gets in the fall, and I was paying more attention to everything else than to the beauty of nature right in front of my face.

I go on a run or a hike almost every day; not only in Bagley, but on the other trails around Duluth too.  I have been leaving my phone at home and really appreciating nature.  It is so refreshing to listen to the wind and sounds around me, as cheesy as that sounds.  Leaving my phone at home also gives me that hour of time to just think, or to not think at all.  I have felt a lot more calm in my every day life since I started leaving my phone at home to run or hike.  I definitely noticed the feeling of calm at the time but have just in the past couple days started realizing how much more all around calm I am in my every day life.  Try disconnecting for just an hour every day to enjoy nature, breath in the fresh air, and I bet you too will start to feel a greater sense of calm.


  1. I love this idea! I also go for walks in Bagley with my dog and in the fall its so pretty. I also am guilty for bringing my phone with me, whether its to talk on, text, or keep track of time...I know I shouldn't too because I go on walks to calm down or just for some peace and quiet, but then I end up using my phone the whole time. I am also going to make it my goal to leave my phone at home when I go on walks from now on.
    Great picture!

  2. Such an amazing experience, Nicole! It's great to hear how that calmness is becoming a part of your every day life. Disconnecting from your technology is allowing you to connect with nature and yourself. Inspiring!

  3. I am very inspired by this! I don't run much, but I do fall asleep with the tv on every night... talk about connected! I'm going to try really hard to quit that habit and start listening to music, then hopefully just silence!

    Awesome change! :)

  4. That sounds amazing, thank you for sharing. I feel like our phones are almost connected to us, we don't think about not having them by our side. This is a great reminder/insight on how we can benefit by disconnecting from technology. Maybe nature has more to offer us than our phone?! I am going to try this on my walk to school every day. Just walk, relax, and enjoy the air. No electronics.

  5. This is something I don't really think about every day. I am constantly using technology everyday, whether its a cell phone, i pod, tv, or computer. This post made me aware of how much I use technology and I am going to try to limit the amount of time I spend on it.

  6. I rarely leave my house without my phone but maybe I should start to do it more often so I can appreciate nature in a more peaceful way, as you do. Nature is truly beautiful and I think Duluth has some great trails and great spots in nature. I need to get out in Duluth's natural environment more often.

  7. I love being just surrounded by nature, it is so relaxing. Last year I lived in the apartments right by Bagely, and it was so nice to be able to walk right outside and have that right there. It sure would be nice if there were more places like that around town.
