Monday, October 3, 2011

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I've heard about carbon footprints before, but I never really looked into what my carbon footprint would be.  I knew it would be pretty big.  I live in a big, drafty house.  I eat frozen meals a couple times a week. I drive back and fourth from the cities frequently.  Blah, blah, blah... After taking my Ecological Footprint Quiz  I have a new perspective on really how big my carbon footprint is.  The results to my quiz told me that if everyone lived like me we would need 5.2 earths to provide enough resources, to support my lifestyle it takes 23.1 global acres of the earth's productive area.  This is definitely an Eye Opener!  The website that I took the quiz on broke my usage up on a pie chart, showing that most of my large carbon footprint is due to my use of services, which I understand to be my electricity use.  This is something that I know I need to work on not using as much of.  In my room and in the living room at my house we have power strips that we can turn off when we're not using whatever is plugged into them.  Rarely do these strips ever get turned off, I plan to be more cautious about turning these off when I am not using them.  I also need to be more aware of turning off lights when I'm not using them.  We also use a lot of electricity during the winter to heat our large, drafty house.  This year I plan to get a higher-grade of the plastic to cover the windows so our heater doesn't have to work as hard to keep our house warm.  The other part of my pie chart that was pretty big was the food part.  I eat frozen meals a couple times a week because that is what I bring to work for dinners.  Instead of buying Lean Cuisine's I could make a large amount of food and freeze it, bringing the individual servings to work, this will lower my food part of my footprint greatly.  I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I really enjoy learning about how I can be more environmentally friendly, and this activity was just one more step in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. My ecological footprint was just as big and it wasn't the greatest feeling! Having goals to try and cut down on your footprint is great and I looked at ways that I can try and cut down as well!
